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发布时间:2022-10-20 18:10:05 来源:网友投稿

摘 要:体育素养是有关体育的一种综合能力,其水平反映了体育教育质量水准和终身体育的可能性。如何对体育素养水平进行测量与评价,一直备受各国体育界的关注。加拿大的体育素养研究与实践一直走在世界各国前列,其颁布的青少年体育素养测评体系(the physical literacy assessment for youth,PLAY)是一套集专家测评、家长测评、教师测评与青少年自评为一体的、关注变化趋势的“立体环绕式”测评工具,在测评内容、方式、主体维度、体系结构上均有侧重和特点。通过对PLAY的构成单元和要素进行解构分析,以及对其实践进行观察,可以发现该体系对我国青少年体育素养测评具有很强的启示和借鉴意义,主要表现在:1)拓展体育素养测评的内涵与外延,强化测评在青少年体育素养培育中的引导与反哺功能;2)构建家庭、学校和个体“三位一体”的青少年体育素养测评系统,发挥协同与联动效应;3)探索基于我国国情、适合青少年体育素养特征的政府与社会组织合作模式。


中图分类号:G 804 学科代码:040302 文献标识码:A

Abstract:Physical literacy is a comprehensive capability in sport. Its level reflects the possibility of lifelong sports and physical education quality standards. How to measure and evaluate the level of literacy of sports has always been concerned by national sports circles. Physical literacy research and practice in Canada has been at the forefront of the world, whose physical literacy assessment for youth (PLAY) issued by Canada is a set of “three-dimensional wrap-around” assessment tools with evaluations by experts, parents, teachers and the self-evaluation of the youth as a whole, and with attention to changes and new trends. It has focused on the evaluation content, style, main dimensions, and architecture. By means of analyzing the constituting elements and the deconstruct of PLAY, as well as practical observation, we find that this system has a strong inspiration and reference to sports literacy assessment in China, mainly in 1) expanding the physical literacy assessment items and strengthening the guiding and nurturing function of physical literacy assessment; 2) building a “family, school and student” three-in-one assessment structure and strengthening the linkage of physical literacy’s stakeholders, and 3) encouraging social forces to participate in the construction of physical literacy and create a good physical literacy environment.

Keywords:Canada; physical literacy; assessment; youth; physical education

許多国家和地区在发展体育素养概念内涵的基础上,在体育、教育和健康等领域积极推动体育素养相关工作的开展[1]:美国将体育素养作为学校体育的指导思想和培养目标[2];英国设计了《小学体育素养框架》用于指导教师、家长最大限度地发展青少年体育素养[3];加拿大将体育素养列入学校体育、联邦教育法规及运动员长期规划中[4];我国也在《关于强化学校体育 促进学生身心健康全面发展的意见》(国办发〔2016〕27号)的基本原则中提出全面提高学生体育素养[5]。

体育素养测评是体育素养研究与实践的关键环节,一方面,测评结果能够反映学生状态和学校体育教育质量[6],另一方面,体育素养测评自身能够发挥“以评促建”的导向作用,对体育素养教育的全过程产生积极影响。测评是一项系统工程,既包含测评指标体系,也涉及测评与反馈的动态过程。当前国内外学者和有关机构研发的若干测评体系[7-9]在实践应用中面临一些阻力和困难。加拿大研制颁布了青少年体育素养测评体系(the physical literacy assessment for youth,PLAY),而PLAY作为单词的含义是玩耍、游戏,恰好与体育素养是个体尽情玩耍和游戏的基础素养这一指导理念相呼应。PLAY测评体系涉及测评指标、测评过程、测评主客体等多个方面,具有系统性和可操作性,对其研制背景、系统架构与内容、实践应用与实施要点的分析与研究,具有理论与实践意义。

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