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发布时间:2022-10-23 15:05:04 来源:网友投稿


Chongqing Nanfu (Nanchuan-Fuling) Railway has been put into operation on October 1, 2012. Nanfu Railway, a railroad between Nanchuan and Fuling Districts of Chongqing Municipality, is a part of the outer circle rail network of Chongqing. The line is 78.29 km long and the designed speed was 120 km/h . At the early time of opening, five stations, including Nanchuan, Nanchuan East, Shuijiang, Yajiang, Fuling, opened freight transport services. The railway boasts an annual freight transport capacity of 13.59 million tons. Passenger transport service will be available in the future. The opening of Nanchuan-Fuling railway brought new opportunities of development along Nanchuan, Wulong and Fuling three counties, and meanwhile, pulled great-leap-forward development of the three localities, made the logistics multimodal of Fuling"s railway, road and waterway possible.

推荐访问:南川 涪陵 通车 建成 铁路

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