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发布时间:2022-11-02 16:25:03 来源:网友投稿

[摘 要]西方记者延安叙事方式主要是叙事聚焦和叙事结构。叙事聚焦从不同视角描述延安人物和事件,包括内聚焦、零聚焦、外聚焦三种形式:内聚焦表现为追溯往事与自我体验的“二我差”,零聚焦跨越时空和切换视角地解读大型历史事件,外聚焦含蓄冷峻描绘深意场面和蹊蹺事件。叙事结构强化延安书写的因果联系和比较意蕴,采用框架叙事和嵌入叙事两种方式,前者展示延安风貌和精神气质,后者拓展外延和深化主题。叙事聚焦和叙事结构交互作用,对历史赋形释义,彰显红色理想的政治隐喻和情感功能,凸显延安叙事意义。


[中图分类号]G219 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1008—1763(2019)06—0085—09

Abstract:Narrative focalization and narrative structure are the two major methods employed by the western journalists in their accounts of Yan’an. Narrative focalization, which includes internal focalization, external focalization and zero focalization, depicts the people and events of the place from different perspectives. Internal focalization is manifested by self-differentiation, namely, the difference between the then self-experience and the current reminiscence. Zero focalization interprets the big historical events from different narrators’ perspectives and from different timelines. External focalization describes the dubious events and the moments that can trigger imagination and discussion. Narrative structure emphasizes the comparison and the cause-effect link in the writings about Yan’an. It mainly employs framed narration and embedded narration; the former serves to display the spirit and the reality of Yan’an, and the latter eiches the content and expounds on the significance. The flexible discourse mechanism and framed narration interacting with embedded narration both have recorded this specific historical period and underscored the political metaphors and emotive functions of the Communist inspiration to highlight the narrative significance.

Key words: western journalists;Yan’an writing;narrative focalization;narrative structure;Communist inspiration


一 叙事聚焦:延安书写的立场






推荐访问:延安 叙事 记者 研究

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