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发布时间:2023-01-01 13:30:05 来源:网友投稿

六级英语作文1  Accordingtothepicture,anemployerturnsdownajobapplicant,forhisdegreeislessadvancedthantheot下面是小编为大家整理的2023年度六级英语作文【10篇】,供大家参考。



  According to the picture, an employer turns down a job applicant, for his degree is less advanced than the other applicants, even though he has a good resume. Actually, what’s behind the cartoon is the tendency that employers focus on academic performance when hiring.

  No one dis*s that a college or higher degree opens doors. Despite that, as far as I’m concerned, academic degree should not be the primary criteria in selecting talents. First of all, academic degrees only represent the applicants’ proficiency in their school work, and cannot demonstrate their personality or other abilities. For instance, the responsibility of a human resources manager is to deal with people, and thus it requires advanced people skill which is by no means shown in the diploma. Second, emphasis on degrees may stall the development of the company. They will lose real talents if they judge people only by their educational background, while it is often the case that college drop-outs like Bill Gates, Michael Dell, Steve Jobs, etc., run wildly successful enterprises.

  Therefore, instead of running after applicants with higher degrees, companies shouldbecome more concerned about what it takes to do the job and what a college education actually provides.


  It was early in the morning. I was walking along a pebble path, enjoying the unique tranquility and freshness of the early spring. The path was surrounded by a fresh meadow with some bright scattered primroses. Dew glittered upon the grass and the aroma of the soil pervaded the air. Among the grasses, primroses danced with the beat of wind while the gentle caresses of the sun deepened their blush. Looking forward, we could see trees stretching their branches, which scrambled to get more sunlight.With a gust of wind, they waved their arms elegantly and whispered to each other. As I looked up at a branch, I was surprised to find a bird nest there and heard the timid new born creatures calling. They must be curious about the world around them and wondered where they came from, I surmised.

  As I walked, I heard the talk of the wind and smelt the freshness of the air. With the coming of spring, tender leaves and newly sprouted buds unfolded. Flowers were in their full bloom and canopies began to darken. Nature showed me a world of new beginning and new hope, and a feeling arose inside me.


  Will e-books replace traditional books? A new era has come. With the mass production of electronic devices and application of new technologies, mankind has entered an e age.

  Nowadays, we have e-mails, e-tickets, e-tests, and e-books, and consequently, paper-based materials gradually vanish. Nowadays, e-books become extremely popular among youngsters, while traditional ones seem suffer a great loss of their readers. For some people, electronic and internet based books are convenient and accessible. Environmentalists even advocate the benefit of e-books on the ground of forest protection. E-books lovers even assert that traditional books will disappear in the near future. I have been a book worm for a long time. For me, reading experience is unique and rewarding.

  Nothing can be more thought-provoking than thumbing through a book bought years ago under a table lamp in a dark night. As to note-taking, scanning and skimming, and portability, traditional books have advantages. Just as the invention of camera didnt put an end to the history of painting, traditional books are, and will still be, an intimate friend of readers.


  With the popularization of the Internet,it has become a common phenomenon that people express their ideas freely on the Internet. However,there are different voices on whether free speech should be advocated on the Internet.

  Some people agree that everyone should be allowed to share his or her ideas freely on the Internet.They say that since we live in a democratic country,we all have the right to free speech.

  However,other people argue that restrictions should be imposed on the expressions on the Internet,for there have been many remarks that spread false information and messages of violence,which has a bad influence on teenagers.

  In my opinion,people should be endowed with the right to speak freely on the Internet as long as we improve our moral consciousness.Internet is a good medium for us to share our opinions,but we should not transmit illegal or harmful information.Everyone has the duty to keep our network clean,then we will be able to enjoy the convenience the Internet has brought us.


  Nowadays, no matter where you get around in a city or even in the countryside, it is pretty easy for you to find one or two signs introducing a product. This has been increasingly becoming popular in our daily lives. Whether the influence of advertising is good or bad could be examined as follows.

  We will start by talking about the merits of advertising. Firstly, advertising is informative, which provides the customers with a quick access to the product needed. Take me as an example. I am a new resident of Guangzhou, a metropolitan city located in the south of China. At the very beginning when moving to this city, I did not have a clue about where to purchase all of the necessities for my newly-bought flat. Thanks to the ads on TV and in newspapers, amazingly almost all of the items ranging from furniture to household appliances were settled within a week. Secondly, consumers can expect to have a best price by comparing and contrasting the prices and specifications of the commodity advertised by different suppliers.

  However, advertising involves some defects and I would like to list two of them herein. Initially, the popularity of advertisements has been growing along with the increased layout of design as well as showing up in the marketplace more frequently. The cost will definitely be passed on to the customers. Furthermore, the generation Y would probably lose their individuality because many of them buy the same goods advertised constantly in media during a certain period of time, which makes them appear alike.

  After the above *ysis of the pros and cons, I tend to be in favor of the positive effects. Undoubtedly, nothing is more important than living in a society where ordinary people can enjoy the conveniences and competitive prices brought by commercials. I believe that the negative effects can be minimized through sustainable economic growth and education.


  from the table, we can see that in the past 10 years, the number of people in a given city who have gone traveling abroad has increased considerably. especially in the recent 5 years, the figure has been more than tripled, surging from 40,000 to 120,000.

  there are several reasons for the change. firstly, with the development of economy, more and more people become better off. and their ability to finance their trip abroad is growing. secondly, tourism has greatly developed over the decade. travel agencies offer not only domestic packages but also travel specials abroad. in addition, individuals today are expected and encouraged to go outside to widen their horizon and to face the real world of globalization. in this way they hope to keep themselves informed of what is going on around the world.

  from the changes reflected in the table, we can predict that the number of individuals going out of the country will boost. this encouragingly and inevitably facilitates the cultural exchange between ours and the rest of the world and this trend will be irreversible.


  The past few years have witnessed a mounting number of people undergoing plastic surgery. To this practice, people"s attitudes differ considerably. Some applaud it warmly whereas others criticize and even condemn it harshly. Personally, I am opposed to plastic surgery, and I base my position on the following reasons.

  In the first place, I deem that physical appearances are always of less great importance than inner beauty and practical ability. In the second place, I am definitely opposed to the concept that there is an established norm of beauty. Instead, I hold that beauty, even in the physical sense, manifests itself in varied ways. Last but not least, as is well known, plastic surgery can be very dangerous, resulting in some irreversible injuries.

  Indeed, there are some individuals who have achieved success in their career or life with the help of plastic surgery, but it must be pointed out that they belong to the absolute minority and that their success depends far more than their improved physical appearance.

  Taking into consideration all the above-mentioned, we may safely come to the conclusion that plastic surgery is definitely unnecessary for normal people. We should focus more on our inner world and try to attract others with our personality and intelligence.


  首先,英语写作是最考验考生英语水*及能力的经典方式之一。 纵观国内与英语相关的考试,没有一场考试真题中没有写作的身影。正如英语考试中“无写作,不全面”的说法,没有写作方面的考察,学生的英语水*是无法得到全面体现的。那么小伙伴们,现在你们理解了写作模块的重要性了么?

  接下来,具体到写作模块应该怎么展开,文都教育的老师们就来和你们好好的讲一讲了。 千万不要想着到时候再考场上,看完题目要求就开始天马行空地乱想乱创作。写出一篇漂亮且高分的英语写作是创作,而对于我们*考生,打算考场上创作的心思想都不要想。试想如此紧张的情况下,谁还有心思去构思、去创作。因此,考前练习写作,且能够达到看到题目有方向展开、有内容可写、逻辑清楚的地步,是所有考生都要达到的目的。文都教育 建议 各位考生,从现在到考前,每周至少保证写3到4篇写作的练习,只有真枪真剑的练习,考生才能真正了解自己的情况和水*,从而才能更好的准备英语写作。

  当然,除了考前高强度的.写作练习外,文都教育 也建议各位考生能够将近两次四、六级真题 中的写作“拉出来”练习一下。“知己知彼,百战不殆”这是很重要的,练习写出几篇真题写作后,相信考生就能够对自己的情况了解深入且知道自己经常出现问题的地方;同时,考生也有必要背诵几篇真题写作的范文,既丰富了自己的写作素材,也可以“搜罗”些适合应用到写作中的词汇。


  The past years have witnessed a mounting number of Chinese scholars returning from overseas. As is lively illustrated by the column chart, the number of returnees climbed from a mere 69.3 thousand in 20xx to over 272.9 thousand in 20xx, at an annual increase rate of around 50%.

  A multitude of factors may have led to the tendency revealed by the chart, but the following are the critical ones from my perspective. First and foremost, along with the development of Chinese economy and society, the number of Chinese studying abroad has been soaring in the past years, which has provided an expanding base for the number of returnees. In the second place, the government has enacted a series of preferential policies to attract overseas Chinese scholars back home. Last but not least, the booming economy, science and technology in this country have generated more attative job opportunites for scholars returning from overseas.

  The waves of returnees will definitely contribute to this nation"s development, since they have brought back not only advanced science and technology but also pioneering concepts of education and management. With more scholars coming back from overseas, and with the concerted efforts of the whole nation, we have reasons to expect a faster rejuvenation of this country.


  My View on the Student Loan System

  China’s Ministry of Education has carried out an education loan system for years.

  The government grants interest-free loan to millions of college students from poor families every year.

  However, some student debtors fail to repay their loans, even after graduation.

  It is the national priority to push the whole education,in which students from poverty-stricken families have the right to be offered the money and the fair opportunities.

  Our government has a duty to provide and protect a comprehensive and high-quality education for its entire citizen.

  Accordingly, the students have to pay back the money during and after their school days.

  Credit is supposed to be presented as well as money.

  Otherwise, they, the loan defaulters, lose their credits, which is not the result of our education.

  To be honest is the best policy.

  Students learn the technical and survival skills, and they, first of all, have to learn to be a human.

  protect [prə"tekt] vt. 保护,投保

  technical ["teknikəl] adj. 技术的,工艺的

  priority [prai"ɔriti] n. 优先权,优先顺序,优先

  credit ["kredit] n. 信用,荣誉,贷款,学分,赞扬,赊欠,贷方

  survival [sə"vaivəl] n. 生存,幸存者

  loan [ləun] n. 贷款,借出,债权人

  comprehensive [.kɔmpri"hensiv] adj. 综合的,广泛的,理解的

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