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发布时间:2023-01-04 20:45:03 来源:网友投稿

英语美文的摘抄1  Allthatisbeautifulpoemsandpassagesoflifethingsdonotchange;wechange.sellyourclothesandkeep下面是小编为大家整理的英语美文摘抄五篇,供大家参考。



  All that is beautiful poems and passages of life things do not change;we change.sell your clothes and keep your thoughts.

  All that is beautiful poems and passages of life things do not change;we change.sell your clothes and keep your thoughts. 万物不变,是我们在变。你的衣服可以卖掉,但要保留你的思想

  think it over... 好好想想……

  today we have higher buildings and wider highways,but shorter temperaments and narrower points of view; 今天我们拥有了更高层的楼宇以及更宽阔的公路,但是我们的性情却更为急躁,眼光也更加狭隘;

  we spend more,but enjoy less; 我们消耗的更多,享受到的却更少;

  we have bigger houses,but smaller famillies; 我们的住房更大了,但我们的家庭却更小了;

  we have more compromises,but less time; 我们妥协更多,时间更少;

  we have more knowledge,but less judgment; 我们拥有了更多的知识,可判断力却更差了;

  we have more medicines,but less health; 我们有了更多的药品,但健康状况却更不如意;

  we have multiplied out possessions,but reduced out values; 我们拥有的财富倍增,但其价值却减少了;

  we talk much,we love only a little,and we hate too much; 我们说的多了,爱的却少了,我们的仇恨也更多了;

  we reached the moon and came back,but we find it troublesome to cross our own street and meet our neighbors; 我们可以往返月球,但却难以迈出一步去亲近我们的左邻右舍;

  we have conquered the uter space,but not our inner space; 我们可以征服外太空,却征服不了我们的内心;

  we have highter income,but less morals; 我们的收入增加了,但我们的道德却少了;

  these are times with more liberty,but less joy; 我们的时代更加自由了,但我们拥有的快乐时光却越来越少;

  we have much more food,but less nutrition; 我们有了更多的食物,但所能得到的营养却越来越少了;

  these are the days in which it takes two salaries for each home,but divorces increase; 现在每个家庭都可以有双份收入,但离婚的现象越来越多了;

  these are times of finer houses,but more broken homes; 现在的住房越来越精致,但我们也有了更多破碎的家庭;

  that"s why i propose,that as of today; 这就是我为什么要说,让我们从今天开始;

  you do not keep anything for a special occasion.because every day that you live is a special occasion. 不要将你的东西为了某一个特别的时刻而预留着,因为你生活的每一天都是那么特别;

  search for knowledge,read more ,sit on your por

  ch and admire the view without paying attention to your needs; 寻找更多的知识,多读一些书,坐在你家的前廊里,以赞美的眼光去享受眼前的风景,不要带上任何功利的想法;

  spend more time with your family and friends,eat your favorite foods,visit the places you love; 花多点时间和朋友与家人在一起,吃你爱吃的食物,去你想去的地方;

  life is a chain of moments of enjoyment;not only about survival; 生活是一串串的快乐时光;我们不仅仅是为了生存而生存;

  use your crystal goblets.do not save your best perfume,and use it every time you feel you want it. 举起你的水晶酒杯吧。不要吝啬洒上你最好的香水,你想用的时候就享用吧!

  remove from your vocabulary phrases like"one of these days"or "someday"; 从你的词汇库中移去所谓的“有那么一天”或者“某一天”;

  let"s write that letter we thought of writing "one of these days"! 曾打算“有那么一天”去写的信,就在今天吧!

  let"s tell our families and friends how much we love them; 告诉家人和朋友,我们是多么地爱他们;

  do not delay anything that adds laughter and joy to your life; 不要延迟任何可以给你的生活带来欢笑与快乐的事情;

  every day,every hour,and every minute is special; 每一天、每一小时、每一分钟都是那么特别;

  and you don"t know if it will be your last. 你无从知道这是否最后一刻。


  Greatness is not this wonderful, esoteric, elusive god-like feature that only the special among us will ever taste. It is something that truly exists in all of us. The way it manifests itself in all of us differs from person to person.


  For those of us who are compassionate we sway others to our causes with our empathy.


  For those of us who are resourceful we complete our tasks without the resources we need.


  For those of us who are creative we find the solutions that no one else can think of.


  Creativity, communication, cooperation, decisiveness, leadership, love, passion, we are all born with different attributes that make us great, and it is our duty to discover that greatness. Discovering it is half the battle.


  When you do find out what it is that makes you great you will see the world before you and understand what opportunity lies in wait. It was waiting there for you all along, waiting for you to come to the realization that everything you needed to succeed in life was within you all along, and you will want to tell the whole world what you found, you will want to tell people about the greatness inside each of them, but they won’t understand because each person must discover it and declare it on their own.



  We all find the rhythm.


  We all remember our first days of high-school, college, our first job.


  We all remember the feelings of butterflies in our stomachs when we took our first steps into those positions, the feeling that we were unqualified for what we were doing, that we didn’t belong.


  What if my coworkers don’t like me?


  What if I’m terrible at my work?


  What if I mess everything up?


  These are the thoughts that run through your mind during those first few days as you tiptoe your way around the workplace, being careful that you don’t do anything that will get you noticed, with the fear that when they notice you, you will mess up. But eventually you do get noticed, and you don’t mess up, and soon you develop a rhythm.


  It has only been a week and you have already fallen into a rhythm. You walk into your workplace and say hello to the receptionist who now knows you by name, you get you morning coffee and strike up a conversation with a coworker who you’ve quickly developed a friendship with. Whereas before you looked around chaotically for the sugar and cream, now the location is familiar and your reach for it instinctual. You walk to your desk, take a rejuvenating sip of coffee, and look over your daily schedule that has become all too familiar to you.


  You notice a new task that you haven’t encountered before, but you no longer feel uncertainty and fear of messing it up. You have survived a week in this place without messing up, people have congratulated you on how good of a job you’ve done, and you belong here. A smirk creases over your face as you look forward to undertaking this new unproven challenge. The day begins and you fall into your rhythm.



  Dear Arizona,


  My brother is so lucky. Good stuff is always happening to him. Do you believe in luck? And if so, how can I get more of it?


  —Looking for Luck in Louisiana


  Dear Looking,


  I was eating breakfast with one hand, petting my cat, Cow, with the other, and reading the back of the cereal box, when—“YOUCH!” I screamed. “Why’d you pinch me?”


  “You’re not wearing green,” said my little brother, Tex. “Everyone knows you get pinched if you don’t wear green on Saint Patrick’s Day!”


  “It’s true,” said my little sister, Indi.


  I was mostly mad about getting pinched, but also a tiny bit glad about being reminded that it was Saint Patrick’s Day.


  I panicked. “What am I going to do? I don’t have time to change. I’ll get pinched all day long!”


  “Well,” Tex said, taking the old green baseball cap off his head, “you could borrow my lucky hat.”


  “But it’s your favorite!” I said.


  “I know,” said Tex. “Just promise to give it back after school.”


  “No problem,” I said, glancing in the mirror on my way out the door. “I look like a goofball in this thing!”


  “A lucky goofball!” said Tex.


  “Hum.” I grabbed my backpack. “Thanks, I think.”


  Now, before I go on, you should know that I’m not an overly superstitious person. I don’t believe that thirteen is an unlucky number or that breaking a mirror brings seven years of bad luck. I definitely don’t freak out if a black cat crossees my path. And when it comes to things like lucky four-leaf clovers and lucky pennies, I just never believed in them.


  Anyway, I was racing to catch the school bus, and I saw a dollar on the sidewalk! I looked around to see if anyone was looking for it, but people just kept stepping on the poor thing, so I decided to rescue it. I’d found pennies and nickels before, but never a dollar! Then, I didn’t miss the bus, because the bus was even later than me—which never happens!

  不管怎样,当我正拼命追赶校车 时,我看到人行道上有张一美元的钞票!我环顾四周,看看有没人在找它,可人们都相继踩过这个可怜的家伙,所以我决定营救它。以前我捡过便士和镍币,可从没 发现过一美元的钞票。随后,我没有错过校车,因为校车甚至比我还晚到——这是从未发生过的!

  My luck didn’t stop there. Carlos and Jackson were sitting behind me, quizzing each other on spelling words. I turned around and said, “You guys know that test isn’t till tomorrow, right?”


  “It got switched to this morning,” said Jackson. “Remember? There’s some assembly tomorrow. ”


  “That’s right. I totally forgot!” I said. “I’m so lucky that I sat in front of you. If I hadn’t, I wouldn’t have found out till it was too late!” I got out my spelling words, studied all the way to school. And ended up acing the test!


  The minute I got home, I gave Tex a gigantic hug.


  “This is the luckiest hat in the world,” I said. “I’m never taking it off!”


  “But you promised to give it back!” said Tex.


  “I know, but…” I pretended to try to pull the hat off my head. “I think it’s stuck.”


  “It is not!” said Tex.


  “Please-oh-please let me borrow your lucky hat for one more day!” I begged.


  “Tomorrow I’m auditioning for the school play, and I need every bit of help I can get.”


  “OK,” said Tex. “One more day. But you’d better be really nice to me.”


  “I will,” I agreed. “In fact, here you can have my lucky dollar!” Tex let out a whoop, then started dancing around and waving his gift in the air.


  The next day turned out to be super lucky. My audition couldn’t have gone better.


  “Wow, Arizona!” said my friend Mareya. “I can’t believe how amazingly you just did! You are so getting a major part in this play!”


  “Thanks! You did really great, too!” I said. “But honestly, the only reason I did OK is because I had my lucky hat.”


  “What lucky hat?” asked Mareya.


  “This one,” I said, reaching into my backpack, where I thought I’d put Tex’s hat since I couldn’t wear it for the audition. But it wasn’t there! “Oh no!” I cried. “It’s gone! What am I going to tell Tex?”


  Mareya helped me look for it. Luckily, we found Tex’s hat in my locker. Also luckily, I discovered that I could be lucky with or without a goofy-looking cap in my possession.


  “So it wasn’t the hat,” said Mareya. “This is just a wild guess, but maybe it was all those hours you spent practicing over the past month.”


  “Hmm,” I said. “It’s possible.”


  So, dear Looking, I guess you could say that luck is a combination of being prepared, believing in yourself…and maybe just a tiny bit of magic!In other words, luck may come your way, but you have to be ready for it when it does!


  Ciao for now.






  “Not until we are lost do we begin to understand ourselves.” ~Henry David Thoreau


  Everything about my future was ambiguously assumed. I would get into debt by going to college, then I would be forced to get a job to pay off that debt, while still getting into more and more debt by buying a house and a car. It seemed like a never-ending cycle that had no place for the possibility of a dream.


  I want more—but not necessarily in the material sense of personal wealth and success. I want more out of life. I want a passion, a conceptual dream that wouldn’t let me sleep out of pure excitement. I want to spring out of bed in the morning, rain or shine, and have that zest for life that seemed so intrinsic in early childhood.


  We all have a dream. It might be explicitly defined or just a vague idea, but most of us are so stuck in the muck of insecurity and self-doubt that we just dismiss it as unrealistic or too difficult to pursue.


  We become so comfortable with the life that has been planned out for us by our parents, teachers, traditions, and societal norms that we feel that it’s stupid and unsafe to risk losing it for the small hope of achieving something that is more fulfilling.


  “The policy of being too cautious is the greatest risk of all.” ~Jawaharlal Nehru


  Taking a risk is still a risk. We can, and will, fail. Possibly many, many, many times. But that is what makes it exciting for me. That uncertainty can be viewed negatively, or it can empower us.


  Failing is what makes us grow, it makes us stronger and more resilient to the aspects of life we have no control over. The fear of failure, although, is what makes us stagnant and sad. So even though I couldn’t see the future as clearly as before, I took the plunge in hopes that in the depths of fear and failure, I would come out feeling more alive than ever before.


  If you feel lost, just take a deep breath and realize that being lost can be turning point of finding out who you truly are, and what you truly want to do.


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