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发布时间:2023-01-09 18:05:03 来源:网友投稿

写好中考英语作文的简单原则有哪些1  Whoareyouwritingfor?Whodoyouexpecttoreadyourarticle,yourbook,oryourblogpost?Will下面是小编为大家整理的写好中考英语作文简单原则有哪些3篇(完整),供大家参考。



  Who are you writing for? Who do you expect to read your article, your book, or your blog post? Will they care about what you"re talking about? Will they understand the message that you"re trying to get across? Good writing isn"t generic; it"s specific because it"s targeted towards a group of people with something common binding them.



  Please, don"t strain yourself by browsing the Internet, looking for complicated and fancy-sounding words. Less is always more.



  - The man gave me a look so sharp that I sincerely believed it could pierce my heart and see my innermost fears.


  - Better: The man glared at me.



  I"m not suggesting that you should edit each time you"ve finished a paragraph–that would just be tedious. What I"m telling is that you should first give yourself some time to finish the content prior to editing. Write away. Don"t edit yet. Don"t focus on the grammar yet. Don"t worry about the syntax, the synonym, the antonym or the order that you"re using.


  Write for yourself, but mostly, write for your target audience. Write the message clearly and don"t be afraid to express your thoughts. Don"t censor yourself yet. Let the words flow. Don"t erase what you"ve written yet.


  All the editing and the fixing will come later.


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