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发布时间:2023-02-02 17:20:04 来源:网友投稿

电脑游戏的坏处英语作文1  Nowadayschildrenarespendingfartoomuchtimeandmoneyoncom*rgames.Asaresult,somepeopleeve下面是小编为大家整理的2023年电脑游戏坏处英语作文,菁选2篇(2023年),供大家参考。



  Nowadays childrenare spending far too much time and money on com*r games. As a result, somepeople even suggest that video games should be done away with. They are nothingbut a great waste of time, money and energy. I totally agree with them.


  First of all, toomuch indulgence in the com*r games may lead to the deterioration ofchildren’s physical health. Children desert the football ground as they all sitat home around the com*rs playing the football game. So they can’t bephysically fit and strong. Moreover, facing the com*r for a long time, childreneasily suffer from myopia.


  Secondly,com*r games distract children’s attention from their studies. They finishtheir homework in a hurry, or even copy their classmate’s, in order to squeezetime to play games.


  Therefore, videoarcades should be banned from cities and town. Teenagers would be much betteroff without the temptation of video games. They should be encouraged to do moremeaningful and valuable things like reading, studying, and going to concert andmuseums.



  Now more and more students always spend plenty of their time playing com*r games. Some of them can even play from morning to night. How terrible it is!


  Playing too much com*r games has bad impacts in many ways. For one thing, if students often play com*r games, they cant do well in their study, because they always think about the things in com*r games instead of the knowledge in books. For another, Sitting before the com*r for a long time will cause back pains and headaches. And the radiation from the com*rs can also do harm to our eyes and our minds. Whats more, many students are so dee* attracted by some interesting com*r games that they communicate less with their families and friends, which will lead to mental problems. Last but not least, some students prefer the fighting games. It is likely that theyll be violent in the real life. That is to say, those who usually play violent games may do crimes more easily. Therefore, the teachers and parents should work together to stop the kids from playing com*r games all around the clock.


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