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发布时间:2023-02-04 17:20:05 来源:网友投稿

英文million是什么汉语意思1  英[ˈmɪljən] 美[ˈmɪljən]  第三人称复数:millions  基本解释  名词百万  形容词百万的;无数的  相关例句  形容词  1.Mil下面是小编为大家整理的英文million是什么汉语意思,菁选2篇,供大家参考。



  英 [ˈmɪljən] 美 [ˈmɪljən]



  名词 百万

  形容词 百万的; 无数的



  1. Millions of hamburgers and French fries are eaten every year.


  2. There are five million permanent residents in the city.



  1. He has millions of books.


  2. She often listens to music for the million.



  1. He said the company will accelerate the pace of developing the GSM business, in which China Unicom had 128 million users by the end of last month.

  2. And premiums from the new business climbed 70 percent in the first six months, hitting 33 million by the end of June.

  3. Francis is accused of failing to pay taxes on more than $ 20 million in business expenses.

  4. It is reported the aquarium made of acrylic glass costs about five million yuan and covers an area of more than 160 square meters.

  5. This year"s game is expected to add $ 150 million to the Indianapolis economy and even more if it boosts tourism and convention business.

  6. The applicant must have a registered capital of at least 300 million yuan and a history of business operation for at least three years.

  7. Maersk"s container business for the third quarter registered a loss of $ 293 million compared with last year"s profit of $ 1 billion.

  8. But it enjoyed a business recovering to report a net profit of 981 million yuan in the first quarter.

  9. Business registration fees recorded a 90 percent drop to HK $ 155 million in the same period.

推荐访问:汉语 英文 million 英文million是什么汉语意思 菁选2篇 英文million是什么汉语意思1 million是什么意思 million的英文

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