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发布时间:2023-02-06 11:40:07 来源:网友投稿

雅思旅游类高分1  Foreignvisitorsshouldpaymorethanlocalvisitorsforculturalandhistoricalattractions.Towhatex下面是小编为大家整理的2023年雅思旅游类高分,菁选2篇(范例推荐),供大家参考。



  Foreign visitors should pay more than local visitors for cultural and historical attractions. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?





  交代背景: Tourists are sometimes disapointed by the fact that they have to pay more than the local people to get access to a scenic spot.

  交代观点:我认为这一现象是合理的。(As far as I am concerned, disparities in the ticket price is justifiable.)

  Body 1: 论点一 当地居民对当地旅游业的发展有所贡献,理应在景区门票上得到优惠。

  【主题句】:It can not be denied that local people should benefit from tickets of a lower price, since they have made considerable contributions to the development of local tourism.

  【支持句一】:一来,旅游业的发展需要*出资,而这方面的.支出需要税收支撑。(For one thing, the development of tourism requires financial support from the municipal government, to whom local tax payers have contributed quite a proportion of their personal income.)

  二来,游客的涌入对当地居民的生活有所影响。(For another, the inrush of visitors may disturb the normal life of local people. For example, visitors are likely to add to the pressure of traffic and force up the prices of local commodities.)

  Body 2: 论点二 外国游客和本地游客的支付能力不一样。

  【主题句】Moreover, there is difference in the paying capacity of foreign visitors and local residents.

  【支持句】:普遍的一个现象是,较发达国家的有钱人去到一些欠发达但风景秀丽的地方旅游。也就是说,游客一般都比当地居民有钱。(It is common that people, usually from developed countries or with abundant money, travel to the less developed areas to have fun. Because of that, they are actually less cautious about money than the local people of the hosting countries.)正因为此,向他们适当多收费他们还是可以接受的。( In that case, it should be acceptable for them to be asked to pay more money to visit the scenic spots.)

  Body 3: 让步段:诚然,不合适的票价有可能会对旅游业造成影响。

  【主题句】:Admittedly, inappropriate ticket price may have negative influence on tourism.

  【支持句】一来,票价差异可能会让游客觉得不公*。(For one thing, Disparities in ticket price may lead to the sense of unfairness in the foreign visitors, which will in turn affect the pleasure that they get from the trip. )二来,过高的票价会增加旅游成本,迫使游客做出别的选择。(For another, over-priced tickets will add to the travelling cost, which may delay visitors’ choice of a certain place. )

  因此,*应该理智地定出景区票价。(Therefore, the local governments have to make sensible decisions about the ticket price, make sure that not only does it benefit local people, but also foreign visitors’ interests are not affected.)



  In conclusion, municipal governments have adequate reasons to make disparities in tickets sold to foreign visitors and local people. However, they should think twice before deciding on how much they charge foreign visitors.

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