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发布时间:2023-02-14 16:05:05 来源:网友投稿



  Put the cart before the horse.以下是小编为大家搜索整理的公共英语五级wsk完形填空备考训练,希望能给大家带来帮助!更多精彩内容请及时关注我们!

    Read the following text and fill each of the numbered spaces with ONE suitable word.

    Write your answers on ANSWER SHEET l.

  Children who grip their pens too close to the writing point are likely to be at a disadvantage in examinations,31 ___to the first serious investigation into the way in which writing technique Can dramatically affect educational achievement.

  The survey of 643 children and adults,ranking from pre-school t0 40-plus,also suggests32 ___pen—holding techniques have deteriorated sharply over one generation,with teachers now paying far33 ___attention to correct pen grip and handwriting style.

  Stephanie Thomas,a learning support teacher34—___findings have been published,was inspired to investigate this area35 ___he noticed that those students who had the most trouble with spelling36 ___had a poor pen grip.While Mr.Thomas could not establish a significant statistical link37 ___pen—holing style and accuracy in spelling,he38 ___find huge differences in technique between the young children and the mature adults,and a definite39 ___between near—point gripping and slow,illegible writing.

  People who40 ___—their pens at the writing point also show other characteristics41 ___inhibit learning,42 ___as poor posture,leaning too43 ___to the desk,using four fingers to grip the penn44 ___than three,and clumsy positioning of the thumbwhich can obscure45——is being written.

  Mr.Thomas believes that the46 ___between elder and younger writers is47 ___too dramatic to be accounted for simply by the possibility that people get better at writing as they grow48 ___.He attributes it to a failure to teach the most effective methods,pointing out that the differences between49 ___groups coincides with the abandonment of formal handwriting instruction in classrooms in the sixties.“The 30-year- old showed a huge persity of grips,50 ___me over 40s group all had a uniform‘tripod’grip.”









  31.according 【解析】according to意为“根据”,为固定短语,本句句意为“根据对…的严格调查,…。”

  32.that 【解析】此空之后的内容为suggests的内容,即此处应填that,引导宾语从句。

  33.1ess 【解析】由此空前面的“deteriorated sharply”可知此空应填“更少的”,而不是“更多的”。

  34.whose 【解析】此句意为“Stephanie Thomas,一位学习辅导老师,…发现已经发表了…。”由此可知,空处所填单词必为whose,引导定语从句,修饰teacher。

  35.after 【解析】此句意为“…他注意到了那些拼写有问题的学生也有一个坏的握笔习惯,他受到鼓舞调查这个领域。”

  36.also 【解析】由35题解析,拼写有问题的学生必定握笔习惯不好。

  37.between 【解析】此句意为“Thomas先生尽管不能在握笔方式和拼写准确性之间建立重要的统计学联系,…”所以答案为介词between。

  38.did 【解析】据38题解析,由于while意为“尽管”,才有后面起强调作用的did,意为“确实”,言下之意有转折之意。

  39.1ink 【解析】与37题对应,此处应填link,表明在“near-point gripping”和“slow,illegible writing”之间存在联系。

  40.grip 【解析】显然,此空应填一个动词“握,拿”,英语中握笔用动词grip。

  41.which 【解析】由此句句子成分分析,此空以后的应为定语从句,修饰characteristics,所以此空应填which,引导定语从句。

  42.such 【解析】“poor posture,leaning too…to the desk,using…”均是对characteristics的举例说明,而举例用英语说应为“such as”。

  43.close 【解析】显然,不好的习惯是“太靠近桌子”,故应填“近”。

  44.rather 【解析】此空所在句意为“用四个手指握笔而不是三个。”rather than表示“而不是”。

  45.what 【解析】显然,此空后的句子应为“0bscure”的宾语从句,而“is being written”中缺主语,可做主句的宾语、从句的主语的只有what。

  46.difference 【解析】显然,这句话是在对老年人和年轻人写字之间进行比较,而且由后半句中的“get better at…”可知,此空必为“不同的”。

  47.far 【解析】能修饰too的副词只有far或much。

  48.older 【解析】grow只能是年龄越来越大。

  49.age 【解析】此段话均是在比较不同年龄段的人之间写字的不同,故此空应填“年龄”。

  50.but 【解析】此句意为“30岁的人表现出非常不同的握笔方式,…超过40岁的人都统一用三个手指握笔。”显然,此空处表转折。


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