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  《21世纪大学实用英语综合教程(第3册)》为《综合教程》第三册,共8个单元,每个单元均包括听说、读写和实用技能训练三大板块的内容。听说部分围绕每单元的主题,并结合高职高专学生学习生活和毕业后实际工作的"需要,进行听力与口语方面的专门训练。读写板块包括Text A(精读),Text B(泛读)和Text C(扩展阅读),并配有相应的练习。实用技能训练部分根据高职高专教育的特点,提供以提高职业技能和素质为目标的实用训练,包括Grammar Review,Practical Writing和Basic Reading Skills等内容。























  本册教材共分12个单元,每个单元由Text A和Text B两篇课文、辅学资料及相关的练习构成。全书24篇课文均选自英语原文文本,根据学生现阶段的语言能力和水*,编者仅?其中语言难度过大的部分进行了必要的删改。





  Bill Heavy

  When my father rings, I hurry down to the front door of my condo. There he is, in corduroy pants, the tread worn off the knees, and a shirt I outgrew in tenth grade. He"s come to help me put in a new garbage disposal. Actually, I"m helping him. His mechanical gene passed over his only son, on its way to some future generation. At 39, I"ve made my peace with this.

  My father hasn"t been to my place since he helped me paint four years ago. The truth is, I"m often not sure how to talk to him. But this time it will be easy. We have a job to do.

  In minutes he has taken over the whole enterprise, lying under the sink and squinting up into the machinery. And suddenly I am 12 years old again, watching him fix things and feeling useless.

  As a child, I identified so strongly with my mother that I thought my father was just a long-term house guest with spanking privileges. She and I are bookish, introverted worriers. My father is an optimist who has never had a sleepless night in his life.

  Like most fathers and sons, we fought. But there was no cooling-off period between rounds. It was a cold war lasting from the onset of my adolescence until I went off to college in 1973.I hated him. He was a former navy fighter pilot, with an Irish temper and a belief that all the problems of the world—including an overprotected son who never saw anything through to completion—could be cured by the application of more discipline.

  At a time when an eighth-grader"s social status was measured in the fraction of an inch of hair kissing his collar, my father would march me down to the barbershop on Saturdays and triumphantly tell the man with the scissors. "Just leave him enough to comb." I would close my eyes, determined not to give him the satisfaction of seeing me cry. Without even thinking about it, I froze him out of my life, speaking only when spoken to. I learned to use silence like a knife. My one communique for an entire dinner was usually a sarcastic "May I be excused now? I have homework."

  I lay awake at night imagining him being transferred by the gas company he worked for to an oil rig in the North Sea. But it didn"t happen, and soon all that remained was the contest of wills.

  I went off to college, but he was still in my head. I could hear his voice every time I fell short in anything. Only when I began seeing my freelance articles in print did I begin to feel that I was slipping beyond his reach and into my own life.

  Eventually I discovered that there is no anti-inflammatory agent like time. Now I wondered, could this aging 74-year-old be the giant who once thundered up the stairs to spank me, of whom I was so afraid that I wet my pants? In his place was someone I worried about, whom I dressed in my down hunting jacket for his annual pilgrimage to the Army-Navy game. My profession, which he had once ridiculed, saying, "Gee, do you think there"s any money in it?" now became a source of pride when fellow Rotarians mistook him for Bill Heavy "the writer." It was as if now that I no longer needed so desperately to please him, I had succeeded. We had become two old veterans from opposing armies, shaking hands years after the fighting, the combat so distant as to be a dream.

  Before we can install the disposal, we have to snake out the pipes. Soon we get stuck trying to figure out how a gasket fits.

  "Ah," he says finally, "we"re going to have to call a plumber."

  This is not how I remember him. He used to be so stubborn, the kind of guy who could make IRS examiners throw up their hands in frustration and let him off. Now that I have his mind-set and don"t want to give up, it"s as if he"s acquired mine.

  He says, "Besides, I gotta get home. Your mother and I have to be at a dinner party at 7:30."

  "Don"t you pay for the plumber," he says. "Putting this thing in is part of my Christmas present to you."

  Though we"ve failed to install the disposal, it"s been oddly satisfying. At last we"re on even ground. Maybe he wasn"t the best father. Maybe I wasn"t the best son, but I realize I will never be ready to cope with his leaving. I know that I"m luckier than some of my friends, whose fathers died while they were still locked in the battle that neither really wanted.

  The plumber comes two days later. He secures the disposal in its place as easily as I buckle my belt.

  Not long ago, I started badgering my parents to get their estate in order. They didn"t want to deal with it. I finally wrote them a letter saying if I were a parent, I would want to make * sure the IRS got as little of my money as possible. I knew this would push my father"s buttons. It worked. They met with a lawyer.xc

  Later, my father and I lunch at a restaurant near my office so he can fill me in on the details. "One thing I don"t want you to worry about is what"ll happen to me," he says, with the satisfied air of a man who has taken care of business. "The Navy will cremate me for free."

  "And what about the ashes?" I ask, concerned only with practical things. It is as if we are talking about how to get rid of the old disposal.

  "They scatter them at sea." He turns away, looking around for our waiter. Something breaks inside me. When he turns back, I am crying, hot tears springing up in my eyes so suddenly I"m almost choking.

  "I don"t want you to die," I manage to say. "I don"t want them to scatter your ashes. I"ll scatter your ashes."

  "Oh, Bill," he says, taken aback, totally at a loss about what to say. "I just didn"t want to burden you with it."

  I have no way to tell him that I want to be burdened with it, that it is my birth right to be burdened with it. "I know," I say.

  I don"t even look around to see if anybody is watching. I don"t care. I reach across the table for his hand and hold it, trying to stop the tears.



  n. an apartment in a block of apartments of which each is owned by the people who live in it 公寓套间


  n. & a. 灯芯绒(的)


  n. grooved part on the surface 棱纹


  vt. grow too large or too tall for (esp. one"s clothes); grow faster or taller than 长大(或长高)而穿不下(原有的衣服等);长得比…快(或高)


  n. rubbish, refuse 垃圾

  garbage disposal



  a. 1. of, connected with, produced by machines 机械的";与机械有关的;由机械制成的

  2. 手工操作的;技工的


  vi. look sideways or with half-shut eyes or through a narrow opening 瞟;眯着眼看;由小孔窥视


  vt. punish (a child) by slapping on the buttocks with the open hand or a slipper, etc. (用巴掌或拖鞋等)打(小孩的)屁股


  a. (性格)内向的;不爱交际的


  n. person who worries a lot 担心的人,发愁的人


  n. a person who is always hopeful and looks upon the bright side of things 乐观的人;乐观主义者

  cooling-off period

  a period of time when two people or groups who are arguing about sth. can go away and think about how to improve the situation (争执双方冷静下来考虑如何改善关系的)冷却期


  n. the beginning (esp. of sth. unpleasant) (尤指不快之事的)开始


  n. 海军


  n. 1. a small part, bit, amount, or proportion (of sth.) (某物的)小部分,一点儿,少许;片断

  2. 分数;小数


  n. part of a garment that fits around the neck 衣领


  n. place where a man gets his face shaved and hair cut 理发店


  ad. joyfully, satisfactorily (at a success or victory) 得意洋洋地;得胜地;成功地


  n. official announcement 公报


  a. 讽刺的,嘲笑的,挖苦的


  n. a large structure in the sea used for drilling oil wells 钻井架;钻塔


  a. 自由作家的;自由职业者做的


  a. 抗炎的,消炎的;息怒的


  n. substance, natural phenomenon, etc. producing an effect 剂;自然力;动因


  n. fine, soft feathers of young birds 羽绒


  n. 1. a journey to a sacred place or shrine 朝圣;朝觐

  2. a journey to a place associated with sb. /sth. one respects 到敬仰的某处之行


  vt. make fun of; mock 嘲弄;嘲笑


  int. (used to express surprise, admiration, etc.) (用以表示惊奇、赞赏等)哎呀,嘿


  vt. fight or complete against in a battle, competition, or election 反对;反抗;与…较量


  vt. 用长铁丝通条疏通(管道)


  a. not able to move or continue doing sth. 不能动的;不能继续做某事的;被卡住的


  n. 垫圈;衬垫;密封垫


  n. workman who fits and repairs water-pipes, bathroom articles, etc. 管子工


  n. mentality, way of thinking 心态;思想倾向


  n. (皮带等的)搭扣,搭钩

  vt. 用搭扣把…扣住(或扣紧、扣上)


  vt. pester;nag persistently 纠缠;烦扰


  n. all the money and property that a person owns, esp. that which is left at death 财产;(尤指)遗产


  vt. burn (a corpse) to ashes 火化(尸体)


  ad. backwards 向后地;退后地

  birth right



  put in

  install 安装

  pass over

  move past without touching; overlook; fail to notice 掠过;忽视;不注意

  make one"s peace with

  settle a quarrel with;accept 与…讲和;接受

  identify with

  regard oneself as sharing the characteristics or fortunes with 与…认同

  see through

  not give up (a task, undertaking, etc.) until it is finished 把(任务等)进行到底

  freeze out

  exclude (sb.) by a cold manner, competition, etc. (以冷淡态度、竞争等)排斥(某人)

  in print

  (of a person"s work) printed in a book, newspaper, etc. (指作品)已印出;已出版

  throw up one"s hands

  show that one is annoyed or has given up hope with sb. or sth. that causes trouble (因厌烦等而)突然举起双手;认定无望而放弃尝试

  let off

  excuse; not punish; not punish severely 原谅;不惩罚;对…从轻处理

  push sb."s buttons

  start sb. in action 使某人行动起来

  fill sb. in (on sth.)

  give sb. full details (about sth.) 对某人提供(有关某事的)详情

  for free

  without charge or payment 不要钱;免费

  get rid of

  become free of 扔掉,处理掉;摆脱

  be taken aback

  be startled 吃惊

  at a loss

  perplexed, uncertain 困惑;不知所措


——21世纪大学英语读写教程第三册Unit2课文讲解 (菁选3篇)


  1. There are many traditional forms of courtesy toward women — gestures like lighting their cigarettes for them or standing up when they enter a room. What others can you think of?

  2. As you listen to the passage the first time, see if it mentions any of the polite gestures that you thought of. Then listen again for the answers to the following questions:

  a) Where do you imagine the incident the woman describes took place?

  b) What courtesy did she expect?

  c) What, in the man"s view, is the basis of a lot of common courtesy?

  3. What do you think of the woman"s argument about everyday reality? What about the man"s view of common courtesy?

  The Titanic Puzzle Should a good feminist accept

  priority seating on a lifeboat?

  Charles Krauthammer

  You"re on the Titanic II. It has just hit an iceberg and is sinking. And, as last time, there are not enough lifeboats. The captain shouts, "Women and children first!" But this time, another voice is heard: "Why women?"

  Why, indeed? Part of the charm of the successful movie Titanic are the period costumes, the period extravagance, and the period prejudices. An audience can enjoy these at a distance. Oddly, however, of all the period attitudes in the film, the old maritime tradition of "women and children first" enjoys total acceptance by modern audiences. Listen to the audience boo at the bad guys who try to sneak on the lifeboats with — or ahead of — the ladies.

  But is not grouping women with children a raging anachronism? Should not any self-respecting modern person, let alone feminist, object to it as insulting to women?

  Yet its usage is as common today as it was in 1912. Consider these examples taken almost at random from recent newspapers:

  "The invaders gunned down the Indians, most of them women and children..."

  "As many as 200 civilians, most of them women and children, were killed..."

  "At the massacre in Ahmici 103 Muslims, including 33 women and children, were killed..."

  At a time when women fly combat aircraft and run multi-national corporations, how can one not wince when adult women are routinely classed with children? In Ahmici, it seems, 70 adult men were killed. And how many adult women? Not clear. When things get serious, when blood starts to flow or ships start to sink, you"ll find them with the children.

  Children are entitled to special consideration for two reasons: helplessness and innocence. They have not yet acquired either the faculty of reason or the wisdom of experience. Consequently, they are defenseless (incapable of fending for themselves) and blameless (incapable of real sin). That"s why we grant them special protection. In an emergency, it is our duty to save them first because they, helpless, have put their lives in our hands. And in wartime, they are supposed to be protected by special immunity because they can have threatened or offended no one.

  The phrase "women and children" attributes to women the same dependence and moral simplicity we find in five-year-olds. Such an attitude perhaps made sense in an era dominated by male privilege. Given the disabilities attached to womanhood in 1912, it was only fair that a new standard of gender equality not suddenly be proclaimed just as lifeboat seats were being handed out. That deference — a somewhat more urgent variation on giving up your seat on the bus to a woman — complemented and perhaps to some extent compensated for the legal and social constraints placed on women at the time.

  But in our era of extensive social restructuring to grant women equality in education, in employment, in government, in athletics, what entitles women to the privileges — and reduces them to the status — of children?

  Evolutionary psychologists might say that ladies-to-the-lifeboats is an instinct that developed to perpetuate the species: Women are indispensable child-bearers. You can repopulate a village if the women survive and only a few of the men, but not if the men survive and only a few of the women. Women being more precious, biologically speaking, than men, evolution has conditioned us to give them the kind of life-protecting deference we give to that other seed of the future: kids.

  The problem with this kind of logic, however, is its depressing reductionism. It"s like a serious version of the geneticist"s old joke that a chicken is just an egg"s way of making another egg. But humans are more than just egg-layers. And traditional courtesies are more than just disguised survival strategies. So why do we say "women and children"?

  Perhaps it"s really "women for children." The most basic parental bond is maternal. Equal parenting is great, but women, from breast to cradle to reassuring hug, can nurture in ways that men cannot. And thus, because we value children, women should go second. The children need them.

  But kiddie-centrism gets you only so far. What if there are no children on board? You are on the Titanic III, and this time it"s a singles cruise. No kids, no parents. Now: Iceberg! Lifeboats! Action!

  Here"s my scenario. The men, out of sheer irrational heroism, should let the women go first. And the women, out of sheer feminist self-respect, should refuse.

  Result? Stalemate. How does this movie end? How should it end? Hurry, the ship"s going down.



  n. a person who believes that women should have the same rights and opportunities as men 女权主义者

  * feminine

  a. of or having the qualities suitable for a woman 女性的;女子气的


  n. a pleasing or attractive feature or quality 魅力

  * costume

  n. clothes, esp. clothes from a particular place or during a particular historical period; clothes worn by actors during a film or play (一个地区、一个时期流行的)服装;戏装


  n. the use of more (of sth.) than is necessary 挥霍,奢侈

  * extravagant

  a. 1. wasteful of money; too costly 奢侈的;浪费的

  2. (of ideas, behaviour, etc.) uncontrolled; beyond what is reasonable 过度的;越轨的


  v. show disapproval or contempt for sb./sth. by shouting "boo" (对…)发出“呸”的声音(表示嫌恶或强烈的"不满)


  n. sth. outdated or obsolete; sth. from one historical period incorrectly associated with another 过时现象;时代错误


  n. the way sth. is used; the way words are used in a language 用法;使用;(词的)惯用法

  * random

  a. done, chosen, etc. without conscious choice 胡乱的;任意的

  * massacre

  n. the killing of a large number of people or animals 屠杀


  n. a fight or fighting between two armies, etc. 战斗


  n. (pl. unchanged) a plane or other vehicle that can fly in the air 航空器,飞机


  vi. suddenly and briefly show pain in one"s facial expression 脸部肌肉抽搐,皱眉蹙眼


  vt. 1. (to) give (sb.) a right (to have or do sth.) 给…权利;给…资格

  2. give a title (to a book, etc.) 给(书等)题名


  n. 1. careful thought and attention 考虑

  2. (for) thoughtful attention to the wishes and feelings of others 体贴;关心


  n. 1. any of the powers of the body or mind; a particular ability for doing sth. 才能;能力;天赋

  2. all the teachers and workers of a university or college (高等院校的)全体教师及职工


  v. (for) look after 照料


  n. the action of protecting or the condition of being protected 保护,防护


  a. 1. that protects sb. or sth. from harm 保护的,防护的

  2. (towards) having or showing a strong desire to protect (对人)关切保护的


  a. unable to act without help; needing the help of others; unable to defend oneself 无助的;无依无靠的;不能自立的


  n. 1. protection or freedom (from sth.) 受保护;豁免(权)

  2. ability to resist infection, disease, etc. 免疫力


  vt. 1. make a threat against (sb.) 威胁,恐吓

  2. give a warning (of sth. bad) 预示


  a. & n.男子(的);雄性(的)


  n. a special right or advantage available only to a particular person or group of people 特权;优惠



  a. 1. 规定的;特定的

  2. 假设的;已知的

  * attach

  vt. (to) 1. consider that sb. has (a certain quality) 认为有;使与…相关联

  2. fasten or join 系;贴;连接


  n. women in general; the state of being a woman (总称)妇女;女子的身份或状态

  * gender

  n. 1. (生理上的)性

  2. (名词、代词等的)性


  n. the state of being equal, esp. in status, rights, etc. *等


  n. respect 尊敬,敬重


  a. requiring immediate attention or action 紧迫的,紧要的

  * complement

  vt. add new or contrasting features which show the best qualities of (sth.) or which improve (it) 补充,补足

  * constraint

  n. limitation or restriction 约束,限制

  * constrain

  vt. 1. force (sb.) to act in a particular way 强迫

  2. prevent (sth.) from developing freely 限制,束缚


  vt. arrange (a system or organisation) in a new way to make it work more effectively 重建;改组;调整


  a. of or resulting from evolution; developing gradually 进化论的;演变的


  n. behavior or knowledge that one has without being taught 本能


  a. make (sth.) continue for a long time; carry (sth.) on 使永久;保持

  * perpetual

  a. lasting forever or for a long time 永久性的;长期的


  a. essential 必不可少的


  vt. 重新构成…的人口;重新居住于


  ad. 从生物学的角度


  n. a way of reasoning 推理(法)


  vt. 1. sadden and discourage 使抑郁,使沮丧

  2. cause to sink to a lower level of position 使不景气,使萧条


  n. the practice of showing prejudice because of the tendency to reduce women to a lower status 视妇女低人一等的歧视性做法


  n. making or becoming smaller; the amount taken off in making sth. smaller 减少(量);削减(数)


  n. 1. one person"s account of an event, as compared with that of another person 描述,说法

  2. 版本;改写本


  n. 遗传学家


  n. 生育机器

  * courtesy

  n. 1. polite behavior; good manners 谦恭有礼;有礼的举止

  2. a polite or kind action or expression 好意;恩惠


  n. continuing to live or exist, often in spite of difficulty or danger 生存;幸存


  n. a plan, often for business or military aims 策略,计谋


  a. 战略(上)的;战略上重要的


  a. 父母(似)的


  a. of or like a mother 母亲(般)的


  n. 乳房;胸部;胸膛

  * cradle

  n. a small bed for a baby, usu. shaped like an open box, that rocks from side to side 摇篮

  v. 轻轻地抱,拥抱


  n. the notion that children are most important 小孩中心论


  n. a sea voyage for pleasure 海上航游

  vt. sail or move at a constant speed that is unhurried and comfortable 航游;巡航;缓慢巡行


  n. a written outline of a film, play, etc. 电影剧本;剧本提纲

  * sheer

  a. 1. pure; nothing other than (often used in descriptions of sth. surprising, outrageous, inexplicable, etc.) 完全的,十足的

  2. (of fabric) very thin, light and almost transparent (织物)极簿的;透明的

  3. very steep 陡峭的;垂直的


  n. a stage of a dispute, contest, etc. at which further progress is impossible for both sides 僵局;僵持阶段


  priority seating

  (the practice of) certain people being given a place to sit before other people 优先安排座位

  at/from a distance

  from a place that is not very close; a long time after sth. happened 隔开一段距离(或时间);从远处

  object to

  oppose; be against 反对,不赞成

  at random

  without conscious choice 胡乱地,随便地,任意地

  gun down

  shoot, causing to fall to the ground dead or wounded 枪杀;开枪打伤

  be entitled to

  be given the right to have or do (sth.) 有权,有资格

  fend for oneself

  look after oneself 照料自己

  attach sth. to sth.

  connect sth. to/with sth. else; associate sth. with sth. else; fasten sth. to sth. else 使相关联;使连接在一起

  hand out

  distribute 分发,散发

  go down

  sink (船等)下沉

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