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发布时间:2023-03-01 11:05:07 来源:网友投稿

family的大学英语作文1  family  Oneday,whenIwassixyearsold,myauntcanetoseeusformShanghai.Myparentsandbrothe下面是小编为大家整理的family大学英语作文3篇,供大家参考。




  One day, when I was six years old, my aunt cane to see us form Shanghai. My parents and brother happened to be out then.It was late in the afternoon. The room was a little dark. My aunt felt tired. I asked her to sit down and have a rest. "When are your daddy and mummy, my dear?" asked Aunt. " They have gone shopping and will be back in an hour. I‘ll fetch a cup of tea for you, aunty." When I went into the kitchen, a good idea came into my mind: After a ling journey my aunt must be very hungry. I‘ll give her a cup of milk instead of a cup of tea. When I opened the cupboard. I saw a bottle of ‘milk‘ powder in it. I poured a cup of the ‘milk‘ and gave it to my aunt. " Thank you very much. It‘s very kind of you," she said. " Please taste the milk. Has it enough sugar?" My aunt took a sip of the ‘milk‘ and spilt it out at once. " What is it, Ranran?" she asked in surprise. " It‘s milk," I said loudly and proudly. " But it doesn‘t taste like milk. Where did you get it?" I took Aunt into the kitchen and showed the bottle to her. Oh, it turned out to be a bottle of washing powder!In the evening my parents came back. When they heard what I did, my mother said to me with a smile, " You are great. You have learned to entertain guests without us."Several years have passed. NNow I am a middle school student. Every time my parents repeat the story, we have a good laugh over it.family


  Family, Friends, Career

  In a sense,the life of each of us is made up of family, friends and career. If any of them is lacking,our life is not intact and we may feel embarrassed, regretful, or even painful.One"s family is his harhour where he can rest and relax himself when he sails home through winds and waves of the outside world. One"s friends are his most trustworthy and most valuable companions. He and his friends will help and encourage each other on the long journey of life. One"s career is the reflection of his talent and value which he offers society. So we can say that one"s family, friends and career are just what support him in this world and make him feel happy, safe and important.Anyone who longs for a delightful life should cherish his family, take sincere care of friendship and devote himself to his career.family





  Nowadays, more and more university graduates complain that graduation does not equate to employment。 They experience great difficulties finding satisfactory jobs。 What is the cause of this phenomenon?

  In my opinion, there are four causes:

  First, graduates lack experience。 They spend most of their time at school studying academic subjects and lack relevant job training。 Only after graduation do they realize it’s hard to find jobs。

  Second, competition among graduates grows more bitter and more bitter and bitter。 The sup* of university graduates exceeds social demand。 This results in a decreased chance for any individual graduate to find a job。

  Third, some students don’t study hard。 Some of them skip classes just because they have no interest in certain subjects。 Some play com*r games or pursue other interests。 Some sleep in class or in the library。 Then they leave the sheltered environment of the university campus, to discover they don’t have adequate knowledge to ap* for many positions, which makes them feel lost and frustrated。

  Finally, some graduates are conceited。 They lack experience but ask for a high salary, which is impractical。

  So, university students should try their best to change this situation。 When they are in school, they should make the most of their time and put their heart into their studies。 They can hold part-time jobs in their spare time to accumulate relevant work experience。 They should take part in some social activities and provide themselves with special training, if possible。 When they graduate and ap* for jobs, they should attach more importance to accumulating experience than to their starting salary。


  work pressure refers to the compelling force or influence that comes from ones work. nowadays with the competition in the work field becoming more and more fierce (激烈), work pressure has become a serious problem for every person. it has held a growing attention.

  its negative effects can be seen from the two aspects. in the physical aspect, it does much harm to peoples physical health. put under the constant pressure to keep their competitive edge, people work harder. they may catch some diseases under ehausting conditions. in the psychological aspect, it can lead to some psychological disorders. work pressure is closely relevant to worries about setback, failure, shrinking (裁员). if the pressure is too great or lasts too long, people might collapse under it.

  since work pressure can affect people in such a serious wayn how can we tackle it b people could rela or refresh themselves on weekends or on holidays. optimism, confidence, efficiency, regular eercise are also remedies. certainly people could not avoid it, but they could try to reduce its side effects and not to be burdened by it.


  How are you, little swallow? Have you adjusted to the cold weather? Have you made new friends lately? My friend, I cant wait to talk to you! How free you are, little swallow! Can fly freely in the blue sky freely! But now I am graduating class, homework is a lot, time is very tight, the pressure is very heavy! Not even the chance to go out and get close to nature, let alone play! I can only watch my little brother and sister go out to play. I can only listen to the laughter and raise my head. Sometimes dreaming of hanging out with friends and laughing is a good medicine. Mom always says that only children with good grades are good children! Cant, in order to be a good boy, only to suffer every day, every day dawn get up, but always stay up late at night light, is is: the early can hear the cock crow, the night can hear ghost call. ; Every day there is an endless problem, the mother is very strict: zhang kou is the test, the closed mouth is practice. Every day you look at those pesky names, and your favorite comics are confiscated. Well, I was a good boy who failed to keep a childs air.

  How lovely you are, little swallow! My back was crushed by the schoolbag; Sometimes I have to read a book, but for two or three hours, the days are long, and my eyes are always like a sesame seed. Staying up late, my body became a bamboo pole, becoming thinner and thinner. Alas, bitter!

  Little swallow, I want to ask you, how old are you? My birthday is just over, but Im dreaming about the next birthday. Im so naughty! But next birthday must be admitted to universities to oh, dont let had to a person having a dream ~ swallow birthday party next time I hope you can to accompany me birthday!

  Well, the little swallow has time to speak! I have to go to school tomorrow, but I dont have the same mental skills as you do. Well have to be approved by the teacher tomorrow.




  Scarlett , a very personality figures ,the two mans she love ,neither does she know about.To her, I was compelled to admire, admire her strong and brave, admire her to lay down in the environment, farm workers previously suffered education, admire her to disregard the community to create their own expression of the cause .She is in the whole story, all a person full of fighting will full of vitality . I appreciated most , it is this " Tomorrow is another day of hers. " . Promising forever, full of fighting will , will never give up, never desperate. I think I’m moved by her.So, whenever I meet difficulty, the mood is not good, I will tell oneself : " Tomorrow is another day. " ’Gone with the Wind’ is absolutely a good book that is worth sampling repeatedly, the characters are graceful , the plot rises and falls, exciting boldly and unconstrainedly, though the subjective factor because of the author among them , the appraisal on U.S.A.’s Civil War is not objective and overall, but as to angle of literature, this one fine piece of writing generation definitely absolutely, worth visiting..t262.com

  Title: The Little Prince

  Author: Antoine de St-Exupery

  Main Characters: The little prince, the pilot, the rose, the fox, the snake, etc.

  Despite I’ve not in my childhood yet, I still prefer reading fairy-tale stories. The tales, which accompany with me in my old days, often make me think of some precious experience and sensation which only belong to children. This summer I’ve review this kind of tale, which was published in 1940. It’s the world-famous fairy-tale by the French author, Antoine de St-Exupery, The Little Prince.

  As many other fairy-tales, the outline of The Little Prince is not very complex. “I”, the narrator of the story, is a pilot whose plane has something wrong and lands in the Sahara. In this occasion, the pilot makes the acquaintance of the little prince, a little boy from another planet, the Asteroid B612. The little prince has escaped from his tiny planet, because he has some quarrel with a rose, which grows on his planet. In that case he left his own planet and took an exploration at some neighbor asteroids.




  As it is known, when we are in high school, we all have a constant goal that is to get the entrance to college, and hard work is out of question for the following. So we gain the notice to college finally which we often dream of in the nights, which proves a proverb that the god doesn’t live up to someone who spends time and efforts, please memorize the sentence for good.

  Of course one day we went to college in August or September happily and proudly, but at the same time something happened that it made your heart pounding fiercely next, by the way, that is love for many college students. And then they mithe directions and their selves as well for their lives. Next I am to exprethat I am neutral for falling in love in college, however I have some ideas to illustrate of my own.

  Firstly, if you are passers-by, I think we will find a lot about several couples of boyfriends and girlfriends under the dorms or dim corners or in the classes without anybody for close postures, as youngsters, it is normal without asking cause about that.

  Secondly, even worth mentioning is that many young boys and girls couldn’t attend classes and courses instead of traveling to some sceneries and sight places or doing other things only to turn out them loved each other temporarily./

  Thirdly, especially to most of freshmen, please don’t be influenced by the phenomenon that a number of students who finds anther half called by them selves proudly, because I think persons are different from each other, different characters, backgrounds and aims.

  But there is one point to obey if you actually want to have an attempt the feeling for love at first sight: it is , whenever you and I am, the learning and the work is the most principle rather than love is the first and work second, for we aren’t children and teenagers anymore, in the future society needs a comprehensive qualifications, profound and extensive knowledge persons, meanwhile in college you are in the state of half foot to society which time is a most important proceto exercise and experience before stepping to complicated and complex society, and therefore we are supposed to spend much time in learning instead.


  Being in a romantic relationship at college is becoming increasingly common, because students are no longer told by their parents what they should do and what should not do, they are much freer than before. In my opinion, college romance has disadvantages and advantages.

  The disadvantage of college romance is that students will get distracted from their study. Once students get distracted, they will lose control easily, some students are addicted in the love relationship, they less come to class, abandon their study, that is so awful. As students, we should focus on study, it is the main duty.

  The advantage of college romance is that students can learn to take care with others and communicate with others. Once in a relationship, students have to learn to get along with girlfriend or boyfriend, the balance of the relationship is a big subject, which we can’t learn in the class.

  College romance almost happens in every student, I am not object to it, students should learn to control their emotion, not let it affect their study.



  Write a composition entitled College Romance.You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese.

  College Romance

  Being in a romantic relationship at college is becoming increasingly more common.Because students no longer have parents around to tell them what to do,many students jump at the chance to express their new—found freedom by starting a relationship with someone ofthe opposite sex.

  However,relationships are not always easy.Many students end up spending more time worrying about their significant romance other than on their coursework.In addition,romantic relationship can also get in the way of friends and family,which means students who choose to be in romantic relationships can become somewhat unstable.

  Therefore,I dont believe that all students are ready for a relationship during university.Students should only have relationship during university if it doesnt affect their studies.(124 words)




  college students starting their own undertakings

  china, as a country with large population, in order to create new jobs, are now encouraging college students to start up their own undertakings.

  Due to the government’s over encouragement, business starting is becoming a fashion in today’s college. Students no matter rich or poor, with high GPA or low ones, active minded or not are trying to start business.

  The eager of being a boss is a reason as well. Because they don’t want to be controlled by others and they think that the boss is the cushiest job among all.

  In my point of view, starting undertaking is a good way to avoid the employment pleasure, but it isn’t suitable for everyone. You need to be fully prepared before you start up. First, you need to have an innovative idea and making enough sure that your company can make profit. A well-organized team is also needed during the start-up stage. All the team members should be familiar with the industry so that they can do you a favor. Although you should be confident, you need to have a plan B. What if you failed

  All to all, being a boss is not as easy as you think. If you still want to start an undertaking after reading the article, do it!


  Nowadays, it is a common phenomenon that our government offers some policies or conveniences to college students who want to start their own undertakings, such as lending loan and subsidy, reducing tax. These measures have a great contribution to encourage students’ starting their own undertakings.


  But what are the reasons for our government to encourage college students to start their own undertakings? I think there are several reasons can account for it. First, it is a good way to relieve our social heavy employment pressure. If some students can start their own undertakings, they will not go to compete with others as well as provide some job opportunities for others. Second, encouraging college students to start their own undertakings is good for our national development in many aspects, such as commerce, industry. In addition, encouraging students to start their own undertakings has a contribution to encourage students to ap* their knowledge to practice and then make their contribution to our motherland.


  Thus, I appreciate our government’s encouraging to college students to start their own undertakings because that will have some great and positive effects on students, society and our nation. I hope more and more students can benefit from our government’s help and subsidy.



  Recently the government has issued some preferential policies to encourage college students to establish their own business. One main part of the reason is that the current economical crisis breaks the normal economical activities. The other main reason is that the job sup* can not meet the need of more and more students.

  Due to these reasons, the government encourages students to establish their own business. On the one hand, it can alleviate the employment pressure. On the other hand, it can shape students" capability of independence and creativity. However, it also brings about problems. For one thing, the students are lack of life experience, not to mention the working experience. Thus, the success rate is very low. For another, few of the students can establish their own business because of various internal and external conditions.

  As far as I am concerned, the aim of the government is good, but the realistic conditions should be taken into consideration. Apart from the preferential policies, the government should take action to help the students establish their own business. (176 words)




  Grace is one of my classmates. She is not good at study, though she usually works very hard. Maybe she just doesn’t find the learning method suitable for her. In my mind, she is clever. Thongh she is not good at study, she is popular in our class. In all people’s mind, she is kind and optimistic. Treating everyone as friend, she has no enemy. As she doesn’t study well, it is hard to avoid feeling sad. However, everytime she just feels sad for a while and then recovers for the first one. Sometimes it is her who comforts us for not for not doing well in the exam. Look, she is so cute!



  Kelly is one of my classmates. She is a pretty girl but a little bit shy. She seldom talks to others. But my classmates still like her very much. Smiles are always on her face and she is friendly to others. Her study is very good. When we ask her some questions, she is always ready to help. Singing is her favorites and she sings well. I think she is a talented girl.



  One day on his way to school,he saw a little girl crossing the road.A car was coming towards her quickly and the girl was too frightened to move.The car nearly hit her.Just then LiuKai rushed up to her and caught her by the arm.The little girl was saved.She told him where she lived,and he took her home.When LiuKai hurried into the classroom,the teacher had already begun his lesson.He told the teacher why he was late.He was then praised for what he had done.


——礼仪的大学英语作文 (菁选3篇)


  Good manners are necessary, for one is judged by his manner. A person"s manner not only shows what kind of education, he has received, his social status, but they also often indicate what he has.

  Good manners means good communication in society. A man of good manners is always a good companion, for he is always in the thoughts of others and of others. He did not force his way through the crowd, but waited for his turn to advance quietly. Politeness is not a particularly advanced story, but they can tell you who owns them is the highest standard.

  Good manners, all the first time we have to remember, they respond to other people and ways from their daily actions, his way, his behavior in front of people. To be a good presence, he has to be truly polite and respectful to others. In short, politeness costs nothing and gains everything.





  China has 5000 years history, People called China "A country of polite". Chinese people are always very friendly and kind, but what you should pay attention to is that Chinese people also has their own ways to get on with others.

  When you meet a Chinese, if you want to start a talking with him or her, you"d better ask like this;Have you eat your meal? But not like English people:"What"s the weather?"

  You can also shake hands with Chinese people when you first meet him. When you having a meal with Chinese people , the most important thing you should pay attention to is do not put the chopsticks into the bowl, because Chinese people don"t think it"s good.

  In China 8 and 6 are the most popular number, because they means earn money and lucky in China. China really has lots of polity cultures, They are waiting for you to find.


  Good manners are very important in the communication of daily life.Everyone likes a person with good manners.But what are good manners?

  How does one know what should do and what should not do when trying to be a good - mannered person?

  Well,here are some common examples.A person with good manners never laughs at a people in trouble.Instead,he (she) always tries to consult or offer help to the person.

  When he (she) takes a bus and sees an old man or a sick man,he (she) always gives his (her) seat to him.He doesn"t interrupt other people when they are talking.

  He uses a handkerchief when he sneezes or coughs.

  He does not spite in public places.Ideas of what are good manners are not always the same in different regions.For example,people in Western countries usually kiss each other to show their greetings,whereas in China,kissing in public is something of unusual and sometimes be regarded as impolite to somebody else.

  So it is important to know what is regarded as polite and impolite before you go to a region.

  But remember that it is always right to be kind and helpful to others.




  201Xthis summer vacation in the past month,this month i and my parents went to Vancouver to visit my friends.

  We lodged at a friends"s house.

  Arrived in Vancouver on the first day,is already in the afternoon, so good friend"s mother decided to let our two people together to do a dinner .His mother cook the pizza. Hanburger, my mother and i do . In addition, the father is responsible for to buy drinks.

  My brother and sister are in charge of eating.

  After dinner, i and my friends and his younger brother ang sister to the courtyard behind the big swimming pool, especially fun.

  Well, I"m waiting for my second day"s diary.

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