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发布时间:2023-03-05 13:55:06 来源:网友投稿




香港迪士尼导游词 篇1







香港迪士尼导游词 篇2





  下一站是幻想世界,在这里你可以找到最心爱的迪士尼人物:维尼、米老鼠…… 想当年我来的时候还没有这些东西,你们太幸运了!




香港迪士尼导游词 篇3









  探险世界让游客亲身感受一个亚洲及非洲地区原始森林的旅程,同时探险世界亦将多种奇珍异卉集中在一处展出。游客可以参加乐园内的森林河流之旅,及发掘其它惊险的游乐设施如整个以森林之王Kingofthe Jungle为题的岛屿等。探险世界更设有一个最大的室内剧场,这剧场专为迪士尼现场表演而设。




香港迪士尼导游词 篇4

  Dear tourists

  Hello and welcome to Disney!

  Hong Kong Disneyland is located on Lantau Island, surrounded by mountainsand facing the South China Sea. It is a theme park integrating thecharacteristics of California Disneyland and other Disneyland. Hong KongDisneyland includes four theme areas: American town street, adventure world,fantasy world and tomorrow world. Each theme area can bring visitors endlesswonderful experience.

  American town street:

  Visitors to Hong Kong Disneyland will first start their journey on thestreets of small towns in the United States. American small town street isdesigned according to the typical American small town, full of nostalgic color,showing the era when the gas lamp is replaced by the electric lamp, and the carreplaces the carriage. These nostalgic designs lead visitors into the magicalkingdom and let them experience different worlds in the park.

  Fantasy World:

  Visitors to fantasy world will start their journey at Sleeping PrincessCastle. Visitors can find their favorite Disney characters in the Disney Story:they can spin in the coffee cup, or they can meet with various lovely Disneycharacters such as Winnie the Pooh, snow white and Mickey Mouse.

  The central symbol of fantasy world will be a new and unique dream garden,which is unique to Hong Kong Disneyland.

  Explore the world:

  Adventure world allows visitors to experience a journey of virgin forestsin Asia and Africa. At the same time, adventure world also displays a variety ofexotic flowers in one place. Visitors can take part in the forest river tour inthe park, and explore other thrilling amusement facilities, such as the wholeisland with the theme of king of the jungle. Adventure world also has one of thelargest indoor theaters for Disney live performances.

  Tomorrow's world:

  Tomorrow's world will be a place full of science fiction and fantasy. Thenew design and feeling of tomorrow world in Hong Kong Disneyland is quitedifferent from other theme parks. Walt Disney fantasy project has created thewhole park into a star river space port for exploring space adventures andexperiences. Each amusement facility, shop and restaurant is decorated withrobots, spaceships and floating stars. It will become a part of the space port.Tourists can fly over the space mountain to experience the space-time journey,or take the flying saucer to shuttle back and forth through the space amusementfacilities.

香港迪士尼导游词 篇5

  Today, my mother and I went to Disneyland together, played a lot ofprojects, it was fun!

  I first went to fantasy world to make an appointment for Winnie the PoohAdventure, and then went to tomorrow world to see Steve. Steve asked a girl likeme: how old are you? The girl said: 8 years old. Steve asked again: are youmarried? No! The girl said. Then you have to work hard, said Steve. At thistime, caused a burst of laughter.

  "What's your name?" he asked. What do you do? Asked Steve. I would not tellyou. Said the elder brother. Humph! I have a computer, I'll check it! SaidSteve. Li ChuanChao, wear a pair of glasses and sneak around. I've got it! SaidSteve. So you are a wanted criminal! No wonder you didn't tell me! Said Steve.Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

  Line up the little flying elephant, line up for a whole hour, finally lineup. As soon as I went in, I ran back, because there was a little pink elephantin the back. How envious the people below us are when we sit on it and fly!

  Lunch at Disney, there are chips, chicken wings, coke, hamburgers,delicious!

  What I like most is to travel in the small world, where I can meetAmericans, Asians, Europeans and Africans. There are many dolls in it. They arevery cute. By the way, I forgot to tell you that we'd better take a boat toenjoy the little world.

  I'm so happy in Disney. My mother bought me a Minnie changing box. But nowI'm going home. Come back next time! Goodbye! Disney!

香港迪士尼导游词 篇6

  Hello everyone, I'm the tour guide of Disneyland. My name is Li. You cancall me Xiao Li. Now you are taking the Disney special line. This special linewill arrive at Hong Kong Disneyland in one hour. On the way, I will introduceDisney to you.

  Hong Kong Disneyland is a fairy tale kingdom suitable for all ages. It ismainly divided into: tomorrow world, adventure world and fantasy world. Thesuitable crowd of these three worlds is also different. Let's listen to whichworld you are suitable for. Tomorrow world is a game kingdom full of excitementand unpredictable changes. Its representative amusement facility is flying overthe space mountain. Flying over the space mountain is also known as the "indoorroller coaster". Passengers can see the bright light in less than 20 secondsduring the whole journey in the carriage, and the rest are spent in the dark.Many passengers forget to return when the space vehicle goes up, down, left andright; Adventure world is a place full of mystery. Jungle adventure is the mostinteresting game in the adventure world. Passengers can see many animals on theboat, such as baby elephant, piranha and gorilla in the sun. Through thecaptain's witty narration, passengers will pass through many difficulties andfinally reach the wooden house on Mount Tai; Fantasy world is a place thateveryone who likes fairy tales must go. Although the facilities there are notvery exciting and mysterious, they are the gathering place of cartooncharacters. They can take pictures with them. By the way, I would also like toremind you that there will be Disney character performances at 3 pm and 7 pmrespectively.

  Now it's the station, let's go and enjoy the fairy tale kingdom!

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