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发布时间:2023-03-13 13:00:04 来源:网友投稿

理想的家英语作文1  Ihaveadreamhome.Ithastwofloors.OnthegroudfloorIhaveabigsittingroom.Theresacoffeetablein下面是小编为大家整理的2023理想家英语作文,菁选2篇【完整版】,供大家参考。



  I have a dream home.It has two floors.On the groud floor I have a big sitting room.There"s a coffee table in front of the sofa.There are two armchairs beside the coffee table.I want a big TV.There is also a computer in my bedroom.Iwant a small TV in my room ,too. The bedroom and kitchen are small and are clean.There "s a dinning room near the kitchen. The first floor is only for us to play. There "s only one room.There are big windows in the wall and light shines through the window.


  I painted a painting,it is my dream home.Blue sky,white clouds floating Jiduo,air also fly with a few small bees,the sun shining on the earth warm Hong Hong"s.I stood on the grass in the cool shade of the apple trees,apple trees next to my parents house,it is a colorful house,the house next to a pine tree,I gave a lot of beautiful hanging tree ornaments.

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